
A Beginner's Guide to Triathlon Training

A Beginner's Guide to Triathlon Training Swimming, biking and running — each can be quite a workout on their own, but doing them all together? Now that’s a challenge. Not only can signing up for a triathlon be especially intimidating for first timers — there’s also the training, gear and equipment to think about.

How to Look Like a Cyclist

How to Look Like a Cyclist In cycling, "Fred" is code for newbie—someone whose knowledge is incomplete. Naturally, it's the last thing anyone wants to be called. This book, if it does nothing else, should help you avoid being labeled a Fred.

Running 101: A Beginners Guide

Running 101: A Beginners Guide How fast should I run? How will it feel? What should I eat? Could I do a race? Trying a new activity like running can bring a certain level of anxiety. But relax! Running is a great activity for anyone to try, regardless of age or fitness level. We answer your questions — and tell you how to get started.